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Lizzy is a wife, mother of three, and musician from Florida. Through out her life she moved many times to various States and Countries. Living in so many areas of the world gave her a unique view and appreciation for diversity and culture. As she continued to experience life, growing up in different places and raising children across the globe, one thing she could always count on was the constancy of the gospel of Jesus Christ. It didn't matter where in the world she was, she knew her Savior was always by her side. This experience rooted her in her beliefs.

Lizzy grew up writing contemporary pop music, but found peace in writing LDS gospel music that could remain relatable, and grow with her through lifes joys and challenges. She writes from personal experiences on faith and trials with a hope that it may touch the lives of someone who feels misunderstood or alone. She hopes God and Jesus Christ's love can be felt through her music and strives to live each day in a way she can be receptive to the messages she should share through music.

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